Fertilization method of amino acid water soluble fertilizer


Release:2022-07-20 09:30:28


With the continuous development of science, more and more new products have been developed and applied in modern production. Amino acid water-soluble fertilizer has been trusted by the majority of users since it was introduced into the market, and has become the first choice of fertilizer for many farmers. The following is the use method of several amino acid water-soluble fertilizers provided by the manufacturer of amino acid raw powder. 1. Soil irrigation when the soil is watered or irrigated, as long as the water-soluble fertilizer containing amino acids is mixed in the irrigation water, the plant roots can be fully exposed to the fertilizer. 2. Foliar fertilization dilutes and dissolves amino acid water-soluble fertilizer in water and then sprays it on the foliar surface, or sprays it on the foliar surface together with non alkaline pesticides (most commonly used pesticides are non alkaline) in water, which can greatly improve the efficiency of fertilizer absorption and utilization of crops. At the same time, it can also save the transportation time of crop nutrient elements in plants and achieve faster results.?
3. Drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and soilless cultivation
Large scale planting farms, or areas with shortage of water resources, as well as high-quality and high value-added cash crop plantations, can use drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and soilless planting. When watering and fertilizing, the amino acid water-soluble fertilizer is dissolved in the water, which not only replenishes the water of crops, but also provides nutrients necessary for crop growth. It really realizes the "integration of water and fertilizer", which not only saves water, fertilizer and labor.

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